One of the essential, core values of our company is that the home should support the people who live their. *Support* their goals and good habits and challenge them to live the life the yearn to live. Never *sabotage* those goals, keeping people stuck in past failures and heavy histories.
Now, the name Rivalee Design came from my grandmother's name and I have no plans to change it, but it can be fun and illuminating to play with our identities and try things on. Just like when we tried our first names with our grade-school boyfriend's last names, we may not actually make a name change but the exercise helps us imagine what could be, and how it might feel. We clarify who we are, and that clarity helps make sure we are on track with our goals and in alignment with our purpose.
That happened for me not only when I was naming Rivalee Design, but also when I chose my last name "West" after my divorce. I wanted a name that really felt like "me" and that would help me get a fresh start, like a fresh coat of paint on my whole life. I chose West because to me it represented the spirit of the pioneer, taking on new adventures, going West. By wrapping myself in the name West, I felt dressed and ready to take on a new life, and shed the old one.
A new name, a made-over bedroom, a new wardrobe that suits your new lifestyle and ambitions, these all may be just the dressing to our life, but it sets the stage for your daily routine and helps you get to your goals. If you are feeling stuck in your life the easiest way to get unstuck might be by changing the dressing on your life. Get rid of things in your closet you no longer wear. Give away the bed you shared with your ex. Repaint the living room. Plant colorful flowers in your front yard. Tiny visual changes can be the key that opens the door to your next chapter.
Beautifully written Rebecca and true! :-)