1. Why it’s bad: TV wants you to eat!
I was watching The Voice with my husband the other night and suddenly I found myself craving Oreos. Strange? Well, not really considering the colorful ad that came across the screen encouraging me to indulge in Oreo-deliciousness. Luckily, there were no Oreos in the house.
That is how TV sabotages you: delicious-looking food items come across your screen so one moment your belly is blissfully content, the next, you’re craving salty-sweet foods. One study shows that 1 out of every 5 ads is for food, and 70% of those food ads were for items high in sugar or fat. More than a quarter of the food ads were for fast-food restaurants.
So, simply by sitting in front of the TV you are subconsciously encouraged to go sneak a peek in the pantry.
TV wants you to eat MORE!
When we eat while we watch TV we are not thinking about what we are eating. A compilation of 24 British studies showed that mindless eating on average leads to an extra 10% calories consumed at the time, and an extra 25% more calories at a future meal. Need I say more?
2. How to stop: Create a space for mindful eating
CLEAR CLUTTER: If your dining table is covered in junk mail, office work, and take-out boxes, it’s time to clear it all out. Create a space that makes it *easy* to eat at the table and, just as importantly, makes you *want* to eat at the table.
CREATE BEAUTY: Your dining area should be inviting and beautiful, fun and friendly. Think of the mood at your favorite restaurant, and then bring that into your dining area. Paint can transform a room, and colors like pumpkin orange, apple red, and corn yellow all set a delicious food friendly mood.
ESTABLISH A RULE: Once you have created an easy-to-use, pleasant space to eat, make a rule that all eating must happen while sitting at the table, for one month. Any cheats extend the timeline for a week.
CREATE A REWARD: Once the month is up and a new habit is formed, set a reward movie on the calendar - maybe every other Friday is popcorn-in-front-of-the-tv night. Make it a special occasion, not the regular rule.
If you create a place in your home that is not in front of the TV, a place where you enjoy eating, you’ll likely eat less junk food, eat fewer calories, eat higher quality food, and reconnect with yourself and your family in a meaningful way. So, stop eating in front of the TV, and think about repainting the living room.