Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sex Sells, even in interior design

You will be forgiven if you're not quite sure what they're selling in this ad.  And yet you can't quite look away, right?  In case you are wondering, it is a light fixture, the one he's holding front of his, um, nether-regions.

Even in interior design, sex sells.  It wouldn't be needed if the things we bought for our homes were strictly necessary, but rarely are the things we purchase a true "need."  Really, we buy lifestyles, dreams, and wishes.  That is one of the reasons so many projects go over budget.  It's not that we needed to spend an extra $5,000 (or $50,000) in order to get a functional kitchen, but that fireclay farmhouse sink was just "so perfect" and just sets the scene for our own white-picket-fence-perfect family gatherings.  Much like a wedding, a remodel becomes more about our fantasies than our realities, and many retailers (and designers) are ready to encourage that.

How can you avoid getting caught up in budget-blowing fantasies? One trick is to enjoy your next edition of Elle Decor a little differently.  Really pay attention to the ads, look at what they are selling. By becoming aware of the subconscious (though not really that subtle) messages of the life you could have if only you bought these sheets, that light, this sofa, it will make you a more educated buyer and ready to make decisions that are right for you, and for your budget. 

Mood changing colors: Benjamin Moore's Soleil

The sun has come out this week in Seattle, and you can feel it in the brightness of people smiles.  It brings out the sundresses, the convertibles, and the iced lattes, and everyone is just a little friendlier than usual.  Just like the sun is able to brighten a person's mood, color can, too.  One of the most obvious happy-colors is, of course, yellow.

Yellow is the color of optimism, brightness, cheery attitude and mental clarity.  It can promote creative, clear, upbeat thinking and decision making, ease depression, and encourage laughter.  It's not for everyone, of course, and the wrong yellow, or yellow for the wrong person, can increase irritability and hyperactivity.  But as with any color, used well, it's lovely.

Benjamin Moore's Soleil lifts the mood atop of grey Sparrow and creates sunny harmony in this dining room.
One of my favorite yellows is Benjamin Moore's Soleil.  When a client tells me they want a yellow room, it is one of the first places I look and so often, it is perfect. I have used it to create a warm and happy dining room, a sophisticated and joyful bedroom, and an inviting and warm home office.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's quite yellow.  When you put it on all four walls you are not going to wonder if you ended up with a yellow.  But unlike the many (too many) yellow paint colors out there, this one won't scream CAUTION at you.  It won't get bitter or sharp.  It won't get babyish.  It's just... right.  Give it a try, or write to me for a couple of my other favorites.

Have fun, and don't fear color.  It's just paint!