When we rent we often feel like we are in a temporary home and there is no sense putting effort or money into making the apartment feel like home. This can be a big mistake since it can encourage you to treat the rest of your life as temporary too and you might not put the energy into your career, relationships, and yourself that you need to in order to achieve your goals.
Setting aside the concept that all of life is, in fact, temporary, let's agree that the only time we can be sure of having is this moment, right now. If that is true then the place where you are living right now is your home and is the only place setting the stage for how you start and end your day. While you might daydream of that perfect home you might someday have, why not make something of the home you are already living in?
It doesn't have to cost a lot, and it wouldn't make sense to make permanent changes to the space (unless your landlord will reimburse you), but a lush area rug, a coordinated color scheme, even a fresh coat of paint can make you happier in the place in which your are living and give you the feeling of success and motivation you need to pursue your other goals.
Even if you are convinced that you'll be buying your dream home in just another year or two, make the effort to create a home in your current place, because a year or two can become five years before you know it, not to mention that anything can happen in a year.